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The WB2VVV Rhode Island QTH is in FN41CR, and currently has a small basement shack connected to rooftop VHF/UHF antennas pictured below, covering all ham bands from 50 MHz thru 3 GHz. My town is rural Foster, RI, in Providence County. This is the "high" plateau within the state of Rhode Island, and this QTH is at 600 feet AMSL with good takeoff in all directions.

I have some high performance HF antennas near my rustic post and beam remote shack in a cleared field "out-back", which are detailed on the QRZ ham site.

I also have a small rig and some simple antennas at our QTH in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, FN43EU. My HF antenna there is a Sloping Vertical with a few radials. For VHF, I have a full wave Delta Loop I built for 6 Meters, and a Horizontal Vee Dipole for 2 Meters. These small antennas seem to make it through the rough winters pretty well. This QTH is at 1600 feet AMSL on the Northwest side of a large hill, but is surrounded on all sides by many larger hills. There are 48 peaks over 4000 feet AMSL in the White Mountains including Mt. Washington, the tallest mountain East of the Mississippi, and the home of the worst weather on Earth.

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